Friday, June 5, 2009

Inaugural Military Fitness Blog

Greetings Blogosphere!

My name is Frank Palmer and this is my first foray into the connected community of bloggers. I have several preliminary objectives in creating this blog:

- Sharing of ideas, stories, needs, desires and all things related to fitness as pertains to the US Military community, both on land and at sea.

- Providing all of the field support that I can personally, as well as with the help of Precor, Inc., where I serve as director of government sales.

- Utilizing this open forum to gather information, learn, expand reach, and assist when possible.

- Determining the viability and direction of this method of communication as it impacts fitness interests and concerns of our Armed Forces at home and abroad.

It has been one of my greatest pleasures in life working with the US Military. I have loved virtually every moment of my 26 years in the commercial fitness industry of which 20 of those years have been invested in the Federal/Military markets. Even though I work with all US Federal customers, the Military represents 90% of my focus due to its huge global scope in addition to the seemingly important role that fitness plays in our Military. In subsequent posts to this blog, I intend to enlist opinions and quotations from anyone in the Military. Most of those that I will contact are employed by the Federal Government as MWR Directors, Sports and Fitness Directors, Recreation Coordinators, and the like. These people have been my friends for many years and possess a wealth of information. Of course, I am looking forward to reading feedback and ideas from anyone wishing to share their opinions. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and please visit often.